Studio Ferraris
Ax2000 System
Pci Interface IntPci
The IntPci board is a small size PCI board, that contains all
Ax2000 interface options. Through this board it is possible to connect
a PCI to a great number and types of industrial control boards. This
board is the base on which build a stand alone axis control system or
an Industrial Computer based Numeric control. Additionally it can be
used to interface supervisor systems to industrial machines. This board
in small PCI format. Main characteristics are:
Two independent CAN
interfaces. The output drivers are optoisolated, and it is possible to
provide power to the slave interfaces in order to have a complete
optoisolated can subsystem.
Fiber optics interface to
high speed peripherals. Typical 4Mbit/s and up to 16Mbit/s data can be
exchaged between the PC and the peripherals. Typical use of this
interface is for axis control, and up to twenty axis may be tied to a
single PC.
Backup memory for
application data. Completely user defined data can be stored in a
permanent way into this ram, at high speed, where disk access may be
too slow or not possible (i.e. inside interrupt routines). From a
minimum of 4Kbyte up to 4Mbyte of backup ram may be optionally
Full support of the
Plug&Play standard allows easy system configuration. Additionally,
a permanent and software readable series number is present for easy
tracking of parts, and for diagnostics.
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Axis Interface IntAx
The IntAx board is a peripheral module capable of interfacing up to
four axis. Analog output and encoder feedback, as well as some general
purpose I/O connections are available on easy to install detachable
terminal blocks. The board can be mounted on a standard industrial DIN
rail. Main characteristics are:
Four analog output with
range of +/-10V and a resolution of 16 bits. The analog output are
optoisolated from the digital part. In case of error or loss of
communication the output will be set to 0V.
Four differential encoder
interface with hardware counting capability of 16 bits, extended by the
software to 32 bits or more. Hardware latch capability to store all
positions at the same time.
Eight general purpose
digital inputs and eight digital outputs. These I/O can be used to
interface the drivers, as limits, or simply as fast I/Os.
Fiber optics interface to
the central controller for fast update of positions and commands. In
case of loss of communication a local microprocessor is able to
gracefully put the system into a safe condition.
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Wire Tensioner Interface
The IntWt board is a special purpose peripheral used to control an
induction brake system. This is a typical example of a special
dedicated design. If you have particular requirements, of dedicated
functions or board shapes, we can make a dedicated design. Although
special, this board shares all the caracteristics of the Ax2000 system,
and particularly:
Completely Plug&Play,
means that the system software can detect the presence of the board,
its location on the bus and its tracking information. This allows for a
thorough diagnostics and an easy system configuration.
Permanent and software
readable series number is present for easy tracking of parts, and for
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Digital IO Subsystem IntIn, IntOut
The Digital IO Subsystem is comprised of two boards, one for
digital inputs and one for digital outputs. The IntIn digital inputs
board is capable of fourty individually optoisolated 24Volt inputs,
while the IntOut board have thirtytwo optoisolated digital outputs. The
outputs are short circuit protected and capable of sourcing 500mA each.
Several boards can be mixed on the same CAN bus without changing
hardware jumpers or software configuration. Driver software will detect
any changes in the hardware configuration updating the System
configuration automatically. All I/O and power connections are
available on easy to install detachable terminal blocks. The boards can
be mounted on a standard industrial DIN rail. Main characteristics are:
All inputs and outputs have
individual leds to indicate the active status of each line.
40 digital 24Volts inputs
individually optoisolated. A separated common each group of 8 inputs.
All but the last 10 inputs are compatible with the european PNP
standard, while the last 10 inputs can be used as PNP or NPN inputs
32 digital 24Volts
optoisolated outputs. A common ground is shared among all outputs, but
a power line is provided for each group of 8 outputs allowing easy
implementation of safety circuits.
Completely Plug&Play,
means that the system software can detect the presence of the board,
its location on the bus and its tracking information. This allows for a
thorough diagnostics and an easy system configuration.
Permanent and software
readable series number is present for easy tracking of parts, and for
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Analog IO Subsystem IntAIn, IntAOut
The analog subsytem is still to be completed so the main
characteristics are subject to changes. It will share the same general
capabilities of the other board of the family (IntIn, IntOut and
IntWt), regarding the plug&play, traceability, and diagnostics.
Stay in tune!
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Special Software
Studio Ferraris is also able to design, write and test dedicated
software for industrial applications. The capabilities and expertise
range from commercial devices interfacing (PLC, Instruments, ...), to
real time management of motors or processes, to device driver design
for the most common operating systems (Win 95/98, Win NT/2000, Linux,
...). We have also designed user interfaces for industrial
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